The formation of posture in children

The formation of posture in children is largely dependent on the environment. In the duties of parents, and government officials to pre-school and school, between following the good condition of the child in standing, sitting and walking, as well as use exercises in education, primarily the muscles of the back, legs, and abdomen. It is necessary that the child grew natural muscles.

On the spine and its modifications

The vertebral column (the spine) is the axial part of the skeleton of a man and consists of 33-34 vertebrae, which are connected by ligaments and joints.

In the belly of the mother of the children of the vertebral column resembles a uniform arc. During the appearance of the child in the light, her spine straightens, and takes the form of a substantially straight line. This is the time of the birth begins to form posture. If you have skill of the possession of the head of the state has raised, in the cervical region of the spine child gradually occurs the flexion to the front, and called the cervical lordosis. If the time has come, when the child is already able to sit, in the department of the spinal column is also formed at the bending only tourn back (kyphosis). And if the child begins to walk, the lumbar vertebrae, with time, will form a corner of the convexity turned toward the front. It is the lumbar lordosis. This is why it is important to monitor the continuation of the good training of the nursery of the posture.

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About the posture and its violations

The posture is the ability of the man to keep your body in a variety of positions. It is the good and bad.

The posture is correct, if the comfortable with a person being in a familiar environment for him to position, does not do unnecessary efforts and assets, and keeps the head and body right. In addition, it has made to stumble, slightly drooping and reserved, in the back of the shoulders, facing toward the front of the chest, in the shape of a belly and legs straight in the knees.

Because of bad posture a person does not know how to keep your body, therefore, as a general rule, the penalty and moves on the floor-bent the legs, the shoulders low, and head, as well as to highlight the belly. With such a posture disrupted the normal functioning of internal organs.

Of various disorders of posture, whether of slack, lordosis, kyphosis or scoliosis (abnormal lateral curvature of the spine) – quite common among children of preschool and school ages. Mainly, these are children or physically weak or suffering from any chronic illness, or who have serious illnesses of childhood.

Prevention of disorders of posture

The prevention of all offences related to the posture, must be comprehensive and based on the selection below the principles.

A good nutrition.

The constant evolution of the body of the child throughout the growing needs in food. The meal should be a full and varied, because they depend on the proper development of muscles and bones.

Physical activity.

Are very important for the health of the children of the posture of the exercise, a variety of sports (in particular, walking, or skiing, and swimming, the gymnastics, as well as tourism, outdoor games and other to consider that when the physical development must not force a child to commit sudden and rapid expenses.

The correct mode of the day.

To avoid the problems of posture, you not only need to arrange the correct mode of the day (the time of the walks, sleep, waking, feeding etc), but to respect, not to make exceptions, for example, on the weekend.

Comfortable child's bedroom.

  • The room must have a lighting quality. A desk lamp should be equipped with children's desk.
  • Height of the table must match the growth of the child. There are also special offices, that are designed for the correction of the posture of the pupil.
  • The chair should repeat the curves of the body. The truth, instead of such an orthopedic, the chair can be put the back at the level of the lumbar cushion the most normal of the chair. The height of the chair should ideally be equal to the height of the tibia. Use a footrest, if they don't reach the ground.
  • The child should sit so that the back of his rested on the back of a chair, with the head slightly наклонялась of the front, and between the body and the table held the palm of the coast. When the layer can not clean the legs under itself, because this may lead to a deformation of the spine and disturbances of the blood circulation.
  • In a child's bed should be smooth and firm the mattress. Thanks to this type of the mass of a body of the child is distributed evenly, and the muscles to the maximum relax after the vertical position of the trunk, for the entire day. Don't let the fact that the child slept on a soft surface. This causes the formation of twisting of the spine during sleep. In addition, a soft mattress stimulates the rchauffement intervertebral disc, which has disrupted the thermo-regulation. As regards the cushions, it must be flat and be placed exclusively under the head, and not under the shoulders.

Improvement of the correction of the shoe.

Correct, accurate and timely manner selection of footwear for children enables parents to prevent and even eliminate many problems, such as functional shortening of the limb, which is triggered due to disorder of the posture or the compensation of the defects stop (club foot and flat feet).

A uniform load distribution.

It is known that the more often it is up to the school age, where children experienced a spectacular growth of bone and muscle mass, they are, unfortunately, acquire a curvature of the spine. This happens due to the fact that at this age, the vertebral column of the child are not adapted to important constraints. Parents should try not to overload the child when wearing their backpack, backpack or a portfolio. Remember that the standard of weight, which is allowed to raise the child, represents 10% of the total mass of the body.

The back of backpack school must be flat and solid, its width must not be greater than the width of the shoulders. Also, the backpack should not hang below the belt and the straps must be flexible and wide, adjustable in length. It is unacceptable for a long time to carry a large handbag on one shoulder, and this is especially true for girls. In this case, the curvature of the spinal column can become an inevitable problem.

In regards to a good weight transfer, it is known, that address, take the gravity and the lift – this is a huge load on the spine and therefore you can't do. Well, he would first sit down with the smooth back, and then take the tight to the chest mount and wear it. And as a tip to parents: if you do not follow this rule, teach them to your child.

The training of the posture

Stimulate growth and develop the muscles of your child, you can easily start, since its birth. Their growth and their strength will be the quickest to develop. For children there is a excellent assistant is a massage (on medical prescription).

The baby at the age of 2-3 months, you can begin to do exercises on the training of the muscle groups responsible for the preservation of the body in the right position. To do this, sufficient with the help of palms of hands to raise a child, taking the position of "lying" to the "up" position, followed by a bit of time to maintain the weight. In this position, the muscles and joints baby will move, operating all of the muscle groups.

After 1.5 years of play with your child, you can begin to do gymnastics. Together, you can "chop wood", "cat" arch the back, "pumping water", walk on a line, as on a tightrope, roll, pass through obstacle courses, etc, you Can ask a child to represent the bird: lie on the belly, "sudden wings" (separate the hands to the side) and held at the ankle-foot.

The posture of the child is formed at the period of puberty. During all this time, it is necessary to follow his training. If your child has already emerged to a certain violation, up to this period, it can be corrected. The child should regularly consult a orthopedic doctor, from his home on the account and follow all processing activities. Perhaps this is the physiotherapy, swimming, massage, physiotherapy, manual therapy, and surgical treatment (according to indications).

Useful exercises

For the formation of posture in children, as well as the prevention of irregularities in the process of practicing the morning exercises, physical culture, and in the course of these minutes to the house and, primarily, in the kindergartens and schools may use a variety of information useful to the exercise. The following are examples of such exercises.

  • The child standing on one leg or walking on the log.
  • Standing a little behind the hoop, the child of the slopes.
  • Holding in his hand a stick, the child crouched down, standing on the toes.
  • Extend arms, the baby is bending towards the back.
  • Putting the feet apart and holding a stick, a child, having bowed, makes the slopes of the front.
  • The child raises his legs, lying on the back.
  • The child ramp with four paws.
  • The child, while maintaining good posture, walking, press and hold any load on the head.
  • Lowered, hands the child holds the stick to the extremities and raises his arms up, going back up the stick behind the back, after which alternates the slopes to the left and to the right.
  • Using the fixed bar, or Swedish, to the wall, the child, hard, shaking the hands of the cross bar, flexes the legs at the right angle and in this position for a few seconds.
  • Being in a position "legs together, hands omitted", the child grants the right leg back and his hands and throws in the hand and freezes, after which repeat the exercise with the left leg.
  • Lying on the back, the child with the help of the feet "turn the bike pedals" or depicts "the scissors".
  • Lying on the belly, the baby raises the bent knees, feet, around the ankle hands, and starts to squirm like a boat on the waves.
  • Standing in front of the mirror, the child, in alternation, the first violates, and then corrects the posture.
  • The child becomes the wall at five points (neck, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heel). These points are the curves of our body to the outside and in the standard must be in contact with the wall. After this, it performs a variety of movements, e.g., squats or the raising of the hands and feet in hand, straining muscles by an average of 5 seconds.


Dear parents, to remember and to talk to the child "sit thou at my right hand," of course, you need, but this is not enough. Start worrying about the health of their children "with the" coat and take the time to practice with them. An important moment in the formation of the posture of the child is an example. Do the exercises with your child, keep your back straight and be in good health!